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Truth, Virtue, Fellowship


We believe in the God of Abraham, who gave up his only son to forgive us our sins, and we believe in the holy trinity of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Order of the Cube is an order dedicated to the Christian faith, and relies in the understanding of basic Christian truths and teachings. This gives us a framework to act in the world and seek out the mysteries of life. We stand firm in acknowledging what is in front of us, and hold that we must never turn away from what is true lest we defile the will of our Lord, Jesus Christ. Falsehood is the work of the wicked, and since we men of this Order seek righteousness, we are therefore tasked to cast out the forces of darkness with the holy light of God. Truth shall be vigorously sought after by every member through philosophy, religion, and life experience.


Virtue is the outward expression of our love for God, and the ideal of a virtuous man is set forth by the example of Jesus. Although we may never reach this ideal, the Brothers of the Cube strive ever after it so that we may glorify God and all of His work. The Order holds dear a specific set of virtues that are a part of its ritualistic practices and sacred symbols. They are kept secret from the public so as to provide a sense of uniqueness to those who wish to join. These virtues, however, should be evident through the actions of all our Brothers, and they should not be alien to a follower of Christ. We have set forth a strict set of rules for members to follow in stark contrast to the modern social climate, and though we may tolerate failure, we will take swift action to remove from the Cube those that turn their back on the moral order set forth by God Himself. The practice of these virtues are essential to the functioning of the Cube and is important in the legitimacy of the organization’s goal of spreading virtue among its communities.


One of the core purposes of the Order of the Cube is to hold each brother accountable for the practice of its virtues. There will be men of different backgrounds, talents, and interests, but we will always come together in true fellowship if we share a common vision of the world and how men should act within it. From time to time, there will be a point at which a Brother will face great adversity, but he should not fret, for he will be surrounded by his fellow Cube-men, who have taken it upon themselves to bear the burdens of all Brothers. Fellowship may at times be sacrificial, but a true gentleman of the Cube will not falter in his duties to his fellow man, especially a man of the Cube. The destinies of all Brothers of the Cube are bound together by the promises that they have made to each other and the great love that they have for one another. This we call true fellowship, and is what the Cube seeks most of all.

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