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Though one would hope that all men have a common vision for what constitutes a truly virtuous man, we know that this is especially untrue in today’s morally turbulent times. We believe that there is no harm in giving concrete values for the men of our order, and in fact, we find it deeply necessary. A strict moral standard need not burden oneself in a manner that will change the nature of his identity. A man needs moral structure so that he can advance spiritually, and at that point, he may truly find out who he really is. Below, we will give some, perhaps in these strange times, controversial examples of what the Order believes, that we command all men of the Cube to uphold to the best of their ability:


1.)  The differences between men and women shall be acknowledged.

2.) Additional courtesies shall be extended to women.

3.) Traditional sexual morality shall be upheld.

4.) Premarital sexual and homosexual acts shall be understood to be wrong.

5.)  Unmarried couples shall not occupy the same household.

6.) Excessive use of drugs and alcohol shall not be tolerated.

7.) Innocent human life, at all stages of development, shall be defended.

8.) Only two genders shall be recognized, male and female; both of which are determined by biological sex.


The tide of secular ideology has overrun our society and all too many churches have capitulated to the pressures of modern-day materialism and concerns about self-image. Though there are serious disagreements between Christians on theological beliefs, the dangers presented by these secularist forces are far greater than ever before, and so we must band together as Christians to bring back a reverence for God. The Order rallies behind a basic set of theological tenets which all Cube-men must believe, setting a baseline for Christian understanding that will safeguard the moral precepts of God. These tenets are listed below:


1.) The Bible is the inspired and infallible word of God.

2.) God has existed from all eternity in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.

3.)  Mankind has sinned greatly against God and is in need of reconciliation.

4.) The Son of God, by the Holy Spirit, was incarnate of the virgin Mary and became man.

5.) For the sake of Mankind, he was crucified, suffered death, was buried, and rose again on the third day.

6.) His death was the ultimate atonement for our sins.

7.) He will come again to judge the living and the dead.


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